All my life experiences translate into what is now my present belief system and core issues that live inside me. My body remembers everything – especially my old wounds, which eventually get re-enacted in my relationships. In a way, you are my mirror - you, who I love so dearly are mirroring back all my childhood wounds.
Brain studies reveal that we have three brains connected closely together, each embodying a different stage of human evolution. The old brain (the medulla and the spinal chord) is called our reptilian brain and governs our survival instincts, like food, shelter, mating/sex, protection/defense and our habits. Above this area is the limbic system or the old mammalian brain, which is the seat of our emotions – processing and receiving stimulation/input, then communicating with other layers of our brain. The third brain is called the new mammalian brain or the neocortex that is our thinking brain controlling abstract reasoning.
Apparently, the limbic system is the part of our brain that holds our emotions and painful life experiences, with a mechanism or gate that stops us from conscious awareness of our pain. Your subconscious pain becomes a dominant aspect of your personality without you knowing it. And, that dominant part of your psyche becomes the foundation for all your beliefs about life, people, love, marriage, relationship, children, etc. Your inner pain becomes the filter through which you see everything, with resulting thoughts and feelings that match it. Feelings are the vibrational energy that magnetize people, places and things into your life, giving you all the experiences you have.
Sooner or later then, my un-expressed, subconscious wounds become re-enacted with the people around me, especially you – because I want to love you and I want you to love me in a way that really works well. I commit myself now to discovering whatever is in my subconscious…no matter what or how long it takes.
It is amazing to realize that your conception, womb, birth, and early childhood experiences become a part of your love relationships. Your earliest life imprint/blueprint is your womb and birth experience – an imprint or pattern that gets re-enacted over and over again in your life. If you notice carefully, you will see that your early childhood experiences interestingly match your birth process – and then you attract relationships and people into your life who also resemble these early experiences.
I call this wound re-enactment, and it will continue in your life until you become conscious of what is happening, and then give energy and power to reversing any imprint that no longer serves you. You can do healing work, especially The Imagination Process®, to reverse core wounds, abuse and trauma of all kinds.
It is valuable in the healing work to gather information about your birth so to understand these patterns. Although you are not conscious of your birth and do not remember it, your body remembers well how you were born. Know this: You will live your life and experience relationship the way you were born. Your life experiences and relationships will resemble your birth.
This also holds true for everything else that happened after birth, especially the foundational 7 years of childhood, as these are the imprinting years, when your brain is in a hypnotic state, being programmed by whatever is going on around you. Whatever encounters you had with your mother, father, siblings, teachers and other adults... shape and pattern your belief system about love, safety, vulnerability, care-taking, power, marriage, communication, and all the important subjects we need to feel positive and powerful about in order to have and experience real love.
Any issues or pain I have not resolved with my parents, will become re-enacted with the ones I love… like my unresolved old wounds or trauma, something I lost, something I always needed, or something I do not even know. It is important for me to realize that anything unresolved with my parents will come up in my relationships. If I do not resolve and work with whatever happened with my parents, my love relationship will mirror and activate my core wounds.
Any unfinished business from my past will always come up for me with others because I will unconsciously attract it. I will always attract and recreate situations that mirror my original pain, until they are resolved because I will always attract that which is familiar to me. Anything that has anything to do with love brings up anything unlike love first.
Any pain or fear I have not remembered or faced, any place I hold judgment, resentment, hate, guilt, fear, anger or anything I lost or always needed will come up for healing through relationship.
Although possibly thought of as bad news, this is really good news. Because, once one really gets this idea and principle, an amazing opportunity presents itself...the ability to embrace feelings and all that is happening in relationship from an advanced consciousness. Instead of blaming someone else, leaving or running away from the situation, healing and transformation is possible.
All past pain and experience will eventually be re-created somewhere in relationship until the original pain is resolved. I am willing and able to face my fears about all of this, being open to my own healing, transformation and truth about what happened way back there in my childhood. Eventually, as I resolve the issues inside me, I will no longer fear love or re-enact the original pain.
And so it, I am willing to heal and transform my past.
Much love, ❤️
