Part I - The Dream
When I was 25 years old I had a dream about Jesus. It was strange to dream of Jesus because I had not really been taught about him. As a matter of fact, and a most embarrassing thing is that I did not really realize that Jesus was a real human being until I was tutoring a student in a college Western Civilization course, and read a segment about Jesus being a real human being walking this earth.
Why was I so ignorant of this? Because, my mother taught me that all the Bible stories were myths made up to explain the unknown; that the stories were not particularly real. My mother’s dad was a Holy Roller pastor – and growing up, she was not allowed to dance, play cards, smoke, drink or any of that.
Mother held painful memories of feeling different, unable to participate with the other kids her age. She told me once that she would hide in the top of a barn and watch her friends get to do these things. So, when she grew up, she abandoned all religious beliefs. She smoked and drank and played cards and danced. Oh how she loved to dance.
And she very plainly told me that the Bible stories were not real. She forgot to mention that Jesus had been a real person, so when I became aware of this, never telling anyone at first, I felt quite stupid and shamed of my ignorance.
We did go to the Episcopal Church however, which may seem strange in light of my mother’s upbringing. But even they, did not really talk about Jesus enough for me to really get it. This was back in the day when the question was: Is God Dead?
Well, if God is dead, perhaps Jesus is dead or never was and did he actually rise from the dead? What did that mean? Also, I now know that I was out of my body a lot in those days, so I never really tuned into what was going on around me. I know we celebrated Easter and Christmas and all that – and I always wondered why, if the guy was not even real.
So, you see, it was strange to be dreaming about Jesus in the first place, because I was not close to him at the time, nor did I understand anything about it. Later in life, I would connect closely in my own spiritual way. In any case, at the time - I dreamt of him, real or not.
In my dream, I was sitting at the head of a picnic table in a wooded area, green, luscious, open. Jesus was sitting at the head of another picnic table in front of me, with his back to me. People were sitting at both of our tables.
Jesus stood up and turned to me. I stood up looking at him as if we were about to pull our guns in a dual. He then zipped up his fly, directly pointing to me and said “Wendy, the answers are inside you.”
I will never forget that dream or his face. Writing down the dream for safekeeping, I knew these words from Jesus were momentous and of grave importance to me and for me. Little did I know at the time however that they would guide my life, my healing, my future work, and the energy frequency of this universe. What an extraordinary, significant, prophetic dream. Since that moment, I have always paid attention whenever I hear or see those words anywhere.
It would be twenty years later before the dream made sense to me, or that its meaning would unfold and be revealed. Now, 50 years later, these words - Wendy, the answers are inside you have come to live in my body, mind and soul - the very heart of my being. Dare I say, Thank You Jesus!
Part 2 - Risk
One day after marrying Jim, 30 years ago - I had a deep feeling, a very deep sense that I must take a risk, do something different, go somewhere. I said to Jim, “I believe it is time to take a risk about something again for me, for us.”
Jim said, “ok, but let’s take a risk next year.” - very funny.
That weekend we went to the movie River Wild with Meryl Streep. For some reason, I sobbed throughout the whole movie. The movie itself was not so deep or incredible, rather the scenery was touching me, the river, the white water, the mountains - something was calling me.
The next Monday at work, I was given a gift by my then-current group therapy clients, as it was my birthday week. I received a picture of a river, white water rafting, mountains, blue sky - just like the movie with the word RISK at the bottom of the picture. My body tingled. I had chills. I knew it was so, that I must take a risk. The Universe had validated me.
I took the picture home and showed Jim. Thank God he is the kind of man who could read the signs, and in spite of living much of the time in his left-brained world, he knew as well, that something big was up and said, “ok.” Just like that. Did I mention he has the psychic cross on his hand?
Before we knew it, it seemed clear that we should move to Arizona for some reason. We had been to Sedona for a honeymoon and adventure, looking for his two lost daughters the year before. We had fallen in love with the red rock and climbed and walked some spiritual trails and drank coffee and sat among the people there and had loved it.
For some strange reason however, Sedona was not exactly where we were being led, and in our wondering about what to do, where to go - the next miraculous thing occured. At the very same exact moment, we turned to each other and both said "Flagstaff." We had also been to Flagstaff on our journey to Sedona, up the mountain about 20 miles.
How did that happen? What was this phenomenon that we both turned to each other suddenly and said the same word? It was like the whole world stopped in time and space, and we had connected with some giant energy in the web of creation, and we both knew at the same point in time just what we were to do.
Next, appearing to be in some kind of strange and mysterious feeling trance, being led by the unknown, I suggested the idea of going to see my old friend, the Mystic Chronicle, well known in our town at the time as a psychic, card reader, teacher and astrologer - to see what he might have to say about this. My Jim had never met him. I called his place of business and was told he was in a nearby town at a bookstore doing readings. They did not know the name of the bookstore or any other information - weird.
Compelled by some numinous power, we decided to take our chances and try to find the Mystic Chronicle, having no idea where he actually was, not familiar with the town at all. We got in our car and drove to that town, mostly in silence, almost frozen, knowing something big was happening for us. Into the town we drove, around downtown and felt pulled to a little bookstore we saw. Indeed, The Mystic Chronicle was there. He was scheduled for readings every hour of the day from 9-5 except for this one particular hour - that one moment in time we arrived. In surprise and amazement, we walked in the door, he looked at us, hugged us both and said immediately, “you two are about to move West, somewhere around….Flagstaff…I see.”
I have no idea what else happened that day, except that our future was showing up in the energy field, the Mystic Chronicle had seen it, Jim and I were aligned and we would begin to prepare to leave the old place and begin a new journey.
My daughters were just graduating from high school. They would be leaving home anyway. My son was already in California going to the Music Institute, and we could be closer to him. Perhaps we would find Jim’s daughters, and he could start a new chapter with them. Will my daughters understand? And, what about my work in Florida, my Imagination Process groups thriving, the clients, my friends? I would have to surrender all of this to go on a new journey.
We were following the answers inside us, even though at some level, nothing made sense in what some people call reality.
Jim spent 6 months preparing the furniture, packing, measuring, saving money, figuring out how to get there, and then we did it. One day, while packing and standing in our garage, I told Jim about my dream...Jesus saying, The Answer Is Inside You. While I was telling him this dream, a yellow faded paper, fell from a box way on top of a shelf to the floor. It was the dream I had written 25 years earlier. How could that be? How on earth could that have happened? I only know it did happen. My whole body tingled, vibrated and vibrated again. I took a walk and cried and meditated and ask God what was up.
We left. Down the road we traveled with no particular place to go, no home, no job, some money saved and we started down that open highway to the unknown.
What an incredible adventure that was. We lived in the woods in Sedona for 6 weeks or so, finally got an apartment in Flagstaff, bought a computer and used the rest of our money for a small office in downtown Flagstaff – one inside a chiropractor’s office complete with a gift shop owned by his wife. I made brochures on my new computer and started taking them around town. Somehow I attracted 13 people and began The Imagination Process® with them. Meanwhile, I started writing people back home, sending them assignments and teachings. These would later become the Imagination Process Workbooks. Little did I know.
One day we had 38¢ left in our bank account. I cried and we held each other - and the next day we both got part-time jobs. I was hired as a teacher in an elementary school from 8-12pm; Jim worked as a truck mechanic - a job he had done his whole life. We were following the answers inside us, and the Universe was taking care of us. We had no television to speak of – just a tiny little 13” black and white, which only got one channel, so we made a party out of Monday Night Football and had a lot of fun together learning about each other, talking, going places, and loving each other very well.
And in one moment of time, her whole world changed. She would have to let go of the old, walk into the unknown, a place she was kind of used to but definitely needed to experience more in order to learn the life lessons. She would go away and find her bliss. She would go away and feel new feelings and discover her true self and write the books, and send home the lessons to the people, for they wanted them. They said they needed her.
She let her hair grow grey, and stayed in the woods for quite a while. They cooked fish and vegetable on the fire, woke up to the sunshine, smelling the coffee always. They walked and made love and talked and made dreams and wondered why they were there.
And she wept at night for her children, every night. There was some kind of deep old remembering of loss. And there were no cell phones back then so the letting go was more real, and the letting go was very painful because she had been there to take care of them for so long. She had been there whenever they hurt, and tried to comfort them.
They came for Christmas that year and felt the snow on their noses and became snow angels and stood in the woods and got to wear winter clothes for the first time. They were indeed mad at her, feeling abandoned that she had left them. They had no home, they said. And beautiful, musical son was also living in some kind of dismal place with roaches and no money and had to quit school and work and not finish his degree. So she felt the guilt of all that and slept a lot in the afternoons.
Was this journey one for facing the pain? Was there something more? She loved it and hated it and yearned to go home, to feel the rain again and see the green. Perhaps she was sent to heal those 13 people, to pay back this area for some reason, or to write the books. Yes, the workbooks were written in this different time and space of quiet. It was meant to be.
And the day came when it was time to go home. She smelled the ocean and they left.
Part 3 - The Answers Are Inside You. What does this mean?
When we go to the 3rd dimensional world, our society, with our questions, we get 3rd dimension answers. When we try to figure things out with our brain, ruminating, thinking, worrying, dwelling, sometimes agonizing over what we should do, we are barking up the wrong tree. Why? Because here we find the answers only from the original conditioning and programing that lives in us and outside of us. Everyone has an opinion, judgement and way to do things.
We were not taught how to just be. We were not taught to sit still and go inside of ourselves, into our heart and soul to just listen. We were not taught to connect to the source of our being, or to our heart. We were not taught that we create our world experience from the inside, not the outside dependent on fate. We were not taught the laws of energy and power inside us. We were not taught to wait.
So we read, educate ourselves, get advice, become advisors, parents, teachers… and do not always develop our intuition and connection with the Universe. Sure, there are the lucky ones who were taught to connect to the earth, be in nature, talk to the trees and the animals, sing, dance and be real, connecting to a bigger picture and this amazing universe. And, so many were not…rather raised in fear, rigidity, rules, limitations, asleep really to all the possibilities of creation.
Inside our very bodies live all of the experiences we have ever had - right there in our cellular biology. Our soul, our ancestors, our heritage, our pain, trauma, womb and birth experience, eons of time before us - all body memories, sitting there waiting to be heard or expressed, healed, integrated. And deep underneath it all is our ability to self -heal, connect to the source of all, our inner guidance, nature and most of all, love.
When we are still, we remember love - and our reason for being here. In order to open to this part of our being, it is important and good to purify and heal all the body memories unlike love, get the body armor out of the way, so we can re-connect to love and all the answers we will surely hear and know.
Stillness. Patience. Connection. Power. Trust. Feelings. We have to heal before we can feel and connect AND, I promise you can do it.
The answers are inside you. The answers will always come.
Does this mean you never ask for help, or look up an answer to a question you have. Of course not. All that information out there for us today, may be part of the solutions to your problems - and you may discover where to go in your search as you go inside and listen.
Be still. Learn to meditate. Heal your trauma so you can be still in your mind and body. And guess what? Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world and that means that your thoughts and feelings are creating your reality and nothing else. Your body is your mind manifested. Your experiences in life, are manifested via your inner thoughts and feelings - your inner condition. So on top of everything else, it is important to master your inner world of conditioned responses and this will calm your entire human nervous system to create an opening for healing, manifestation and so much more.
That is the simple meaning of those most miraculous, incredible words that I received so clearly from my original dream over 50 years ago… and these are the words that I give to the world.
As I healed the original program that ran my life, I found my true Self. I decide now what I believe, and I have become very good at going inside for my answers. I developed power over my creations once I learned how to master my insides, heal my brain from old ideas, and pay attention to the answers in my heart and soul.
Over the years, I have followed the instructions given to me from the inside, and this has taken me to a most wondrous loving life full of remarkable and deep experiences. I was told and have learned to trust and create my own reality - designed by the Universe, my soul, nature and love.
Inside is where the healing is and inside is where the answers are.
And so it is, I am here for the healing, to take you there too.
Much love, ❤️